Heirloom Refrigerator Pickles

This is a great, heirloom refrigerator pickle recipe. It's easy and worry-free because you're not actually canning them but you're making the recipe to stay in the fridge. I know there are a lot of people who do canning, but I've always been afraid of doing it myself because of an unreasonable fear of botulism. This recipe is simple and customizable with what you like and even what vegetables you have available. You can basically pickle anything, and since it's pretty inexpensive to do, why not try? Of course, it's going to be the best with freshly grown cucumbers or whatever, but feel free to pick some cucumbers up from the grocery store or the Palos Heights farmers market on Wednesday mornings, it should still be great.


  • 2 quarts water

  • 1 cup white vinegar (5% acidity)

  • 1/3 cup sugar

  • 1/3 cup salt

Bring the water, sugar, and salt to a boil, making sure the sugar and salt are completely dissolved. Let cool before adding vinegar.

Pour over sliced cucumbers or other vegetables in jars or a glass container, making sure to entirely cover in liquid. Refrigerate for at least 24 hours before sampling. Sliced vegetables will pick up the brine quicker than whole vegetables.

Great additions to add:

  • Fresh dill

  • Dill seeds

  • Garlic cloves

  • Red pepper flakes

  • Mustard seeds