Detox Green Matcha Smoothie

This smoothie is absolutely full of antioxidants; I’ve been drinking every day for breakfast and absolutely love it. It’s a great way to start the day! Feel free to double this recipe depending on the size of your blender!



Note: this recipe fits perfectly in a 16oz. blender cup like the Ninja Fit

1 tbs. flax seeds

2 tbs. hemp seeds

1 frozen banana (halved)

2 tsp. matcha powder

1 cup of almond milk (or water)

½ - 1 cup fresh spinach leaves  


Put all ingredients in your blender cup, with spinach leaves last.  I have a 16 oz blender cup, so I just push in as many spinach leaves that will fit and have the blender top fit on.

Blend until well combined.  If the mixture is too thick after blending, add a little bit of water and blend again to the desired consistency.