Smoothies for the New Year

As we look ahead to 2025, choosing to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables is a great resolution. An easy way to accomplish that is by a morning smoothie.

Smoothies are a great way to start the day with multiple servings of fruits and veggies, which most people are sorely lacking in their diets. They're easily customizable to your preferences, and are simple to throw together in the mornings (you can even prep your smoothie ingredients ahead of time, Liz uses reusable silicone bags to portion out her smoothie ingredients ahead of time, which is a great idea).

There are lots of smoothie recipes online (we also have a recipe posted at the bottom of this newsletter), but remember, they don't need to be at all elaborate, all you need is some frozen fruit and a liquid to blend it up. It's also a great way of using up odds and ends in your refrigerator or freezer (If you have any fruits that are starting to get a bit too soft, throw them in a bag in the freezer to use for a smoothie).

If you're going to commit to drinking smoothie in 2025, we'd recommend getting a single serve blender that blends your ingredients in the same cup you drink from. They're so much easier to use and clean, but any blender will work.

These are a few of our favorite smoothie add ins, with some of their benefits:

Matcha powder: Matcha is ground green tea leaves and since you're getting the whole leaf it has much higher antioxidants than drinking green tea. Also, for whatever magical reason, adding a teaspoon of matcha powder to a smoothie does not seem to change the taste. It just makes it a nice green color so you can feel extra healthy when you're drinking it. I don't really like drinking green tea, but I'm definitely a fan of matcha in a smoothie.

Collagen: Our Collagen Peptides powder by Nature's Plus is completely tasteless and is an amazing smoothie addition. Collagen is greatly lacking in our modern diets and can help with bones, connective tissue, skin, and even digestive health. It's also a good source of protein, which makes it a perfect addition to a morning smoothie.

Fish oil liquid: I know this sounds crazy, but we have flavored fish oil liquids at the store that taste great (the orange in particular is great in smoothies) that are high potency and give a great dose of omega 3s in just one teaspoon. We have free samples at the store for you to take home to try on your smoothies, so just ask us for one at the register!

A few other great additions are moringa, creatine, flax seeds, hemp seeds, chia, and protein powder.

Smoothie Sweeteners:

If you're mixing your fruit smoothie with water, it may not be sweet enough for most people's liking. We'd recommend adding a bit of maple syrup for sweetness (start with just a touch, because it's very sweet). Maple syrup has been in the news lately for being a beneficial sweetener, you can read the article here, but keep in mind that it still is a sweetener that contains sugar, so it should be used in moderation.

Another idea is liquid stevia extract, since it's a natural sugar free sweetener it will give a bit of sweetness without raising blood sugar. I'd recommend starting with half a dropper worth since too much stevia can add a weird aftertaste and adjust from there. Stevia doesn't taste exactly like sugar, but it has zero calories and is sugar free, so I feel like it's a good option for that reason.

New Curcumin Research for Eyes and AMD

I’ve written about curcumin and its benefits numerous times, but I came across a new study just published this past month that I wanted to pass along since it reported a new benefit for people taking curcumin supplements.

Curcumin is the active ingredient in the spice turmeric, so the reason a person would want to take turmeric is to get the benefits from the extract curcumin; just like an orange has vitamin C, turmeric has curcumin.  Curcumin is great for reducing inflammation in the body and is commonly used to help with reducing pain from injuries or arthritis, but unlike over-the-counter anti-inflammatories like Ibuprofen, it’s safe to take every day (and is actually beneficial to take daily).

This new research found that curcumin also appears to have a benefit for eyesight, working to prevent age-related macular degeneration, as well as conferring a decreased risk of developing complications for people who had already been diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration.  Now I wouldn’t say that curcumin is a substitute for eye supplements like lutein and zeaxanthin, which I’d say are the gold standard for protecting the eyes, but it’s a good addition, especially since curcumin has so many other benefits (I personally love it when a supplement I already take has a new benefit that scientists discover).

Curcumin is a great supplement, but it can be difficult for the body to absorb, which is why it’s important to look for extracts that are specially made to increase absorption, so you can get the benefits without having to take a huge dose (since large amounts of curcumin can bother some people’s stomachs). We especially recommend the curcumin from Natural Factors since it’s so well absorbed- both Liz and I (Carolyn) take it regularly.  It’s a tiny capsule that’s easy to swallow and it’s on sale every day, so I’d definitely say to give it a try! 

Curcumin has shown so many different benefits in preliminary research on a wide variety of subjects and has demonstrated benefits for inflammatory bowel disease as well as heart and blood vessel health. Curcumin has also been shown to have neuroprotective benefits on the brain and is a potent antioxidant.

Stop by and see us at 7228 W. College Drive in Palos Heights!

Mushroom Coffee and Medicinal Mushroom Benefits

Everyone has been talking about mushroom coffee, since it's advertised a lot on Facebook and other social media sites. We have great mushroom coffees at our store by Laird and Four Sigmatic. I wasn't sure how they would taste at first because while I like mushrooms, I didn't necessarily want mushroom-flavored coffee, but I tried the Laird's Mushroom Coffee (their "Perform" variety with Lion’s Mane) and I thought it tasted great with no hint of "mushroominess" - I really liked it!

Medicinal mushrooms have so many benefits, but there's nothing special about combining mushroom extracts with coffee. I think it's just an easy way to take a mushroom supplement consistently. Medicinal mushrooms, and most supplements, work best when they're part of an everyday regimen.

If you're not a coffee drinker, or if mushroom coffee is not your thing, it's easy to take a mushroom complex capsule daily. In general, I like a mushroom supplement that is a combination of different medicinal mushrooms because they have so many unique benefits, but we do also have single mushroom supplements like straight lion's mane, rishi, etc.

Medicinal mushrooms like lion's mane and rishi have had a lot of research done about them lately with impressive benefits. That research is still ongoing so I wouldn't say that there's anything 100% conclusive, but mushrooms definitely seem like a good idea (and have been used medicinally for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine). Here are a few of the benefits of some of the more popular mushrooms. This is not an exhaustive list, and it includes both traditional uses and benefits found in preliminary research:

Lion's Mane: Boosts brain function and mental clarity. Helpful for nerves and diabetic symptoms. Has anti-cancer properties.

Chaga: High antioxidant properties, can reduce inflammation and help digestive issues. Has anti-cancer properties. Shows promise for degenerative diseases.

Reishi: Boosts energy, can help with lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Helpful for detoxing the body and for immune health. May ease side effects of chemotherapy. May help depression and anxiety.

Cordyceps:  Boosts energy, can help lower cholesterol. May help degenerative neurological disorders.

Turkey Tail: Boosts immune functioning, may help to increase survival rates with certain cancers.


There are many other beneficial mushrooms, these are just a few of the most popular and only a few of their reported benefits. We have a great selection of mushroom supplements, mushroom coffee, drinks, and more at Pass Health Foods at 7228 W. College Drive in Palos Heights.



New Advances in Probiotics & Microbiome Health

People have asked me the question many times, "don't you have to change probiotics after a while because they stop working?" Probiotics don't stop working, but there is something to be said for using different strains. New research into our body's microbiome and probiotics has found that the greater diversity of different strains, or types of probiotics, the better to positively impact our health.

Research into probiotics and our body's own microbiome, which uncovered the unique and flourishing ecosystem of bacteria inside our body, has significantly advanced over the past 30 years. It used to be that acidophilus was the only probiotic that was really known about, and people still refer to probiotics as " "acidophilus" which is just one type in a huge list of beneficial bacteria.

The word bacteria can scare us, because we usually think of infectious bad bacteria, but inside our body, bacteria-"good" bacteria or probiotics- are actually a crucial part of our health. As crazy as it sounds, it's estimated that we actually have more bacterial cells in our body than human cells.

When you realize just how many bacteria in our body we have, it makes probiotic supplements with numbers in the billions make sense. Also, having greater amounts of different researched probiotic strains can really make a difference. Research has shown that probiotics work together as a team, each with their own strengths, and that we really need to focus on more than a handful of well-known strains to seriously impact our digestive health and health through our whole body. Think of it like a football team, the person who's the quarterback is important, but if you had only a bunch of quarterbacks, you probably aren't going to win the game.

Research in our body's microbiome has significantly advanced over the years, and the probiotics we take or should be taking continues to evolve as that research continues. It's not bad for you to take the same probiotic supplement that you took 20 years ago, but there have been still many advances and advances in our understanding of our body’s microbiome not just for a digestive health but also for impacting brain and mood and so much more, that it's worth exploring new options for probiotics. In the same way, could probably still use the Nokia phone you had 15 years ago, but it's definitely not going to be your best option.

We always try to be on the cusp of supplement research and knowledgeable about new supplements that come out that are actually better than the ones that came before. That is especially true with our new probiotic line by Vital Planet. All of us at Pass Health Foods just went to a seminar by Brenda Watson, a well known educator into digestive health and probiotics who has done quite a few TV specials on WTTW Channel 11 over the years. She is a brilliant woman who shared her expertise and research with us about new developments in probiotics and how they can make such a difference.

One thing about probiotics is that they are not meant to be taken as an aspirin like how you would for a headache and expect to see a difference. Probiotics are meant to be used daily, as a regular part of our daily supplement regimen. I might even say it's the most important part of a daily supplement regimen, more important than a multivitamin.

One of the reasons that probiotics are so important is that they help the body to better absorb the nutrients from the foods we eat. The foods we eat fuel our bodies and help us to stay alive; but it's the bacteria in our digestive tract that help the body to absorb those nutrients effectively and properly.

Also, having a diverse microbiome helps to encourage stomach lining health. When we're missing those beneficial microbes in our digestive tract, there can be damage to the intestinal lining, which over time can make it so undigested food particles can actually leak into our bloodstream, a condition known as leaky gut, which causes a host of problems, the most common of which is constant, low-level inflammation throughout the body.

I want to recommend a new line of probiotics by the company Vital Planet who is founded and developed by Brenda Watson, formerly of Renew Life (Renew Life was bought by Clorox, which is the main reason why we have reduced our shelf space for their products). She then founded Vital Planet, making probiotics and digestive products that are truly on the forefront of research in microbiome health and digestion. Science and how we understand our body evolves over time, and it certainly has with the importance of our bodies microbiome, probiotics, and proper digestion.

The new probiotics by Vital Planet have a more diverse makeup than anything else available today. They have at least 60 different researched strains per product, along with a high very high potency per pill. There is truly nothing like them available on the market today and we couldn't recommend them more. They honestly blow every other probiotic out of the water.

Now, to be that amazing and have such high potencies, they are on the pricey side. Still, even if a person took them every other day, to make them more affordable and to basically cut the price in half, since a bottle would last two months instead of one, even with doing that I’d say it would be better than taking almost any other probiotic.

Focusing on the health of our digestive tract truly impacts every aspect of our health. We like to think of our body systems as separate (and often don’t even think about them unless we have a problem), but they are all interconnected and affect each other. One way where this is becoming much more of a well-known is the connection between our digestive tract and brain function, especially for mood. It's been discovered that there are actually neurotransmitters made in our digestive tract and that our digestive tract is able to send signals to our brain, that's something known as the gut brain axis, which sounds totally crazy but has actually been confirmed by science, and that research is still ongoing.

Our bodies are truly a miracle, how they work. Stop by Pass Health Foods for more information and for more individualized attention and help. Also, the Vital Planet probiotics are on sale this month at store if you'd like to try them.

Tl;dr (too long; didn't read- quick summary): We have new probiotics by Vital Planet that are significantly better than anything else on the market. The health of our microbiome impacts so much more than just digestion, and there are impressive new advances in probiotic research.

Creatine for Building Muscle (for people of all ages)

Most people have heard of creatine, a favorite of bodybuilders for building muscle, but creatine can also be beneficial for regular people since we would all benefit from gaining muscle, especially as we get older.

It's estimated that after age 30 we lose 3 to 8% of our muscle mass each decade, and that without strength training, we will lose 30% of our muscle mass between age 50 and 70. A reduction in muscle makes it more likely to have injuries and falls. A reduction in muscle mass can also cause weakness and reduce our mobility.

Weight-bearing exercises and lifting weights is beneficial for all ages, particularly for older adults.

Research on creatine supplementation for older adults has found that creatine can help the body build muscle. When paired with exercise it can help reduce the incidence of falls and injuries due to muscle weakness, and even has research that found it could help with brain function and cognitive performance. Creatine is also said to help with reducing exercise fatigue, which can help you to be able to exercise longer without getting tired.

A standard dose for building muscle is 5 g of creatine, though even smaller amounts can be beneficial for helping to gain muscle. Many people prefer to start with a lower dose of creatine and increase their dose as time goes on.

Creatine works in part by helping to enhance ATP in the body, a substance created internally that helps to fuel cellular energy that is especially helpful during intense exercise. Creatine may also help with reducing muscle breakdown and aid muscle recovery after exercise.

Vegetarians and vegans could especially benefit from creatine supplementation since most dietary sources are from animal products like red meat.

Taking creatine by itself does not build muscle, but it works well when paired with weight-bearing exercises. Gaining muscle, especially as we age can dramatically enhance our well-being and health. You don't need to be lifting 100 lb weights like a crazy person- literally any amount of weight-bearing exercise can be beneficial.

Creatine is a supplement that has been used for many years that has been proven safe, although people with kidney disease should speak with their doctor before using it since some research says it might be harmful for people with kidney problems (it's always a good idea to talk with your doctor about the supplements you're using).

Liz has been using it for about two months, she takes the Garden of Life creatine powder and puts it in her smoothie after she exercises and she says it doesn't change the taste. She started taking it to help with muscle growth but also because she had read that it helps with brain function. She says she likes it and will continue taking it.

B Vitamins and the MTHFR Gene

Many of us have heard about the MTHFR gene, and problems associated with people who have mutations with it, but most people's understanding of it is very vague. First, let me say how amazing science is and how incredible it is that our understanding of the human body has so increased in recent years.

The MTHFR gene is one of the more commonly known genes for its impact on our health. A very basic explanation of what that gene does is that it makes an enzyme that helps our body to be able to convert certain B vitamins into their active forms so they can be used by the body. Sometimes mutations occur in that gene, which then make it difficult for our body to process and absorb the B vitamins folate and vitamin B12.

It's estimated that around 40% of people have some variation of mutation on the MTHFR gene in their bodies. Having this common mutation can cause a deficiency in folate and B12, even for people who eat a healthy diet or take a multivitamin. That happens because the most common forms of folate and B12 that are in most supplements can't be absorbed when people have a problem with the MTHFR gene.

There is a solution however, called methylated or coenzyme B vitamins. Those less common forms of B vitamins are able to be absorbed even by people who have this gene that makes it so they can't use regular B vitamins. The methyl forms of those B vitamins like folate and B12 are the active forms, meaning they are directly absorbed and don't need to be converted by the body. They're especially important for people with mutations in their MTHFR gene. Since the incidence of variations of mutations in this gene are so common, and since few people have genetic testing done, it's not a bad idea for everyone to make sure they are taking the active, methyl forms of B12 and folate.

B vitamins like folate and B12 are essential to many different processes in the body. Low levels of folate can cause elevated homocysteine levels. High levels of homocysteine in the body can damage blood vessels and lead to a buildup of plaque in the arteries, and can also contribute to the incidence of blood clots.

Low levels of B12 due to absorption issues can contribute to nerve problems as well as cause cognitive decline. Low levels of B12 are more common as we get older, especially among seniors. Left untreated, B12 deficiency can even cause neurological damage. Some research has even linked low B12 levels as a cause of dementia in aging populations.

The solution is to look for methyl folate and methyl B12. Those forms aren't in most B complexes or multivitamins, but they are available and they are easier for the body to utilize, particularly for people with mutations in their MTHFR gene. B vitamins also work well together and are absorbed better when together, so looking for a supplement contains several B vitamins is a good idea.

We have a lot of different choices at the store, but I would especially recommend a B complex by Jarrow called B-Right which has all of the best forms of the different B vitamins to ensure optimum absorption. Another is by a company called Kal that has a methylfolate supplement that also contains methyl B12 and the active form of B6 in something called an active melt, which is a tiny pill that dissolves on your tongue as soon as you put it in your mouth.

We have a number of great products at Pass Health Foods that have the active forms of B vitamins, from multivitamins to B complexes and more, so stop in for more advice and to find the right products for your individual needs.

We’re at 7228 W. College Drive in Palos Heights.

Mild Winters and Early Spring Allergies

Spring allergies are usually something we don’t worry about until around April, but with the extended warm temperatures we've been having, it's been speculated that it will mean that people will experience seasonal allergy symptoms much earlier.

Researchers also say that mild winters can make allergy season last longer. Additionally, drier weather in early spring can actually make allergies worse, since there's less rain to clean pollen out of the air.

The best way to help spring allergy symptoms naturally is to begin treating them before allergy symptoms start, or at least before they get severe.

We have several great supplements to help with allergy symptoms, but a big customer favorite for allergies is our raw local honey. We saved some of the spring honey from last year for spring allergy season this year, since that light colored honey is a rare honey that has only a limited supply since it's from the bee's first harvest of spring flowers and trees. All raw local honey can be helpful for allergies, but the spring honey may people find to be the most effective.

Stop by the store to pick up a jar while supplies last. We have plenty of the late summer local honey harvest, but a much smaller quantity of the spring honey from last year, so stop in to pick up a jar while you can.

One supplement we would especially recommend for allergy symptoms is quercetin, an antioxidant found in certain fruits and vegetables. It's beneficial for respiratory health in general, but is great for allergy symptoms because quercetin works to reduce inflammation in the respiratory system and can also help with reducing the body's overproduction of histamine in response to allergy triggers.

For the best results in people with spring allergies, we'd recommend starting to take quercetin now, before allergy symptoms start. Quercetin has also been researched with impressive results against a variety of different respiratory viruses, with studies showing that quercetin may help to prevent viruses from being able to enter and infect cells as well as slowing viral replication, so it's also a good supplement to take to help stay healthy during this time when it seems like many people are still fighting a variety of different viruses. We have an extensive selection of quercetin at the store, but we'd recommend using a liposomal quercetin if possible (I wrote about quercetin in our newsletter last month) since it is significantly better absorbed.

Stinging nettle is another natural antihistamine that works well for allergy sufferers, without the drowsiness and other side effects common to over-the-counter antihistamines. We have a great supplement at the store by Mt. Angel that has both quercetin and nettle that's a favorite for seasonal allergies.

A neti pot can also be helpful to help wash pollen and other irritants from the sinuses. Stop by the store if you have any questions and so we can help you to find the right products to help this allergy season.

Stay Heathy This Winter with New Antimicrobial Povidone Iodine Throat and Nasal Sprays

We have some new iodine products in a throat spray and a nasal spray that I wanted to write about from a company called Cofix. They're unique, because the idea behind them is that they can be used preventably against microbes entering the body in a prophylactic way, helping to prevent infection by working to “deactivate a substantial portion of germs and pathogens” that come into the body through the nose and mouth.

The throat and our sinuses are in almost all cases how viruses and bacteria enter our bodies. The povidone iodine in our new Cofix sprays have long lasting antimicrobial effects in our bodies, and when used as a nasal spray or throat spray is meant to help protect against infections due to its antimicrobial benefits. The nose and throat are generally the first line of defense against bacteria and viruses from breathing in microbes from people nearby who might be sick. I feel like COVID made us all very aware of how bacteria and viruses can be transmitted from another person, obviously through coughs and sneezes, but also just breathing if they have a virus.

The most important thing we can do to stay healthy from whatever is going around each winter is by helping our own body's own immune system. Also, anything that can help to reduce the viral load, or the amount of a virus in our body, can be especially beneficial for helping our body to fight things off and stay healthy.

There has even been research done with these throat sprays on Covid patients, finding a significant reduction of incidents of contracting the illness for those who used it.

Do I think these povidone iodine sprays are 100% and that you'll never get sick? No, that would be amazing, but truly anything that reduces the likelihood of illness, whether it's cold, flu, respiratory infection, or whatever is a great thing. For me, a sore throat is always my first sign of illness, so I do believe this throat spray is a good idea. Knock on wood, I've been using it since the fall, and I do think it really works.

Iodine can impact the thyroid, both in people who are deficient and people who have excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. If you have thyroid disease or problems with your thyroid, we would recommend asking a doctor before starting this povidone iodine spray (something that's always a good idea for everyone regarding all supplements). Also, this antimicrobial iodine spray should be used sparingly, only a little is needed to be effective, more is not always better, so If you choose to try this Cofix spray, make sure you're only using the recommended amounts.


Stop in to see us at 7228 W. College Drive in Palos Heights for more information.

[New Research] Multivitamins Found to Reduce Cognitive Decline + Benefits of a Daily Multivitamin

I recently read about a new study (the article is linked here) that found that using a multivitamin could help slow cognitive decline.

The new research, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed that a daily multivitamin “helps prevent memory loss and slow down cognitive aging,” according to senior researcher Dr. Olivia Okereke.

Taking a multivitamin is certainly not anything new, and we know that daily multivitamin use is a good thing, but I like studies like these because it really shows that how something basic and simple- like taking a multivitamin- can really make a difference in our health.

Unless you're a billionaire with a staff of personal doctors, we're all just doing our best, and hoping we're doing the right things for our bodies. Truly, no matter how good of a diet we have, it's likely that you're having some nutrient gaps. There's a difference between being so deficient in something you get scurvy, like an 18th century sailor, and having less than optimal levels of different nutrients. There are tons of studies about all kinds of different vitamins and minerals showing benefits for this or that. It's just not realistic to take them all separately, so a multivitamin is a great way to sort of cover your bases. Do I think you'll die if you don't take a multivitamin? No, obviously not.  Is taking a multivitamin and making sure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs of  each of the different vitamins and minerals a good idea? Of course.

Our bodies can keep going even under far less than optimal conditions but giving it the different vitamins and minerals it needs can definitely make a difference. We all want our bodies to last for many, many years. Think of a car that is perfectly maintained, it's going to run for years and years, and people will be surprised at what good condition it's in. Then, think of a car that hasn't been taken care of, it can be much younger than the first car and have a hundred different problems.

Is a multivitamin going to fix everything from poor lifestyle choices or a life of bad eating and bad habits? No, but it's certainly going to be better than not fueling your body with the nutrients it needs.  

I think this study about multivitamin use and a reduction in the incidence of dementia kind of proves that point. I feel that it shows how giving your body the vitamins and nutrients it needs, particularly over an extended period, really does make a difference in our health outcomes.

The good thing about a multivitamin is that it has so many different vitamins and minerals in one pill. We have a whole store of supplements that are good, but how many pills can one person really take? Realistically, a good multivitamin is a nice way to check off a lot of boxes.

There are a lot of supplements that can be helpful even when used just for a short time, like supplements for stress or for boosting the immune system. A multivitamin or supplements like omega-3s are meant to be used long-term for the greatest benefit. If you commit to doing that, long-term, as part of your daily regimen, I do think it makes a difference.

When it comes to our health it's not all or nothing, any amount of good can help, and even small changes can make a difference, especially when maintained over a long time. I encourage you to stop by our store so we can help you find the things that are right for you to help you in a journey to better health.

Keep in mind, not all supplements and vitamins are created equal, and natural versus synthetic vitamins honestly do make a difference for absorption. There are also new technologies like liposomal vitamins that are available (that's what I use because it's been shown to have greater absorption for different vitamins). Remember, it doesn't matter what the bottle says on the label, what matters are the actual ingredients and what your body is able to absorb. There are certain forms and types of vitamins that your body is able to use better than others. If you're taking something that your body isn't able to absorb, you're wasting your time.

Stop by the store if you have any questions, we’re at 7228 W. College Drive in Palos Heights.

These are a few of our favorites, but we have a huge selection of multivitamins and other supplements at the store:

New Supplement Advances for 2024

As we start our new year I wanted to write about new advances in supplements that have been shown to dramatically increase absorption. The whole thing about vitamins and supplements is that it's not necessarily what you swallow, or what your bottle says on the front, but it's with your body is actually absorbing. With many supplements, your body is only able to absorb a fraction of what may be on the label. Different forms of supplements and ways of making a capsule or delivery system can really make a difference in the body's ability to absorb a specific supplement. If your body isn't absorbing something you're taking, you're wasting your money and you're wasting your time. For many years now there has been research on supplements and vitamins comparing synthetic vitamins to natural vitamins, and food-based vitamins compared to isolates. New technology though, in making supplements called liposomal and phytosomal extracts have been shown to dramatically increase absorption.

Liposomal supplements encapsulate supplements in phospholipids, natural components similar to our own cell membranes. Liposomal supplements protect supplements in the stomach so they are able to be absorbed better. Some new research actually speculates that liposomal supplements might even be able to be absorbed through cell membranes into cells, bypassing digestion.

Research on liposomal and phytosomal supplements are still in their early stages but the studies done so far have been very encouraging, showing differences in absorption as much as 10 times the absorption of a standard vitamin or supplement without liposomal or phytosomal technology.

This is a big reason why we don't have a store brand. Generally, store brands are good for a store because they're less expensive for them and have better pricing margins, but we don't want to feel beholden to a certain company. We always want to recommend the different supplements that we feel are best, and the best absorbed. Also, the supplements that we would consider the “best” often changes as new supplements come out and new developments in supplement research and absorption continue.

When you shop at our store, you can be assured that we will be recommending the best product there is for your specific needs, not what we might make more money selling. We really do care about each of our customers’ health, and sometimes our recommendation may be to not buy something, or to keep taking the supplements you have, or even to reduce certain things. When it comes to supplements, it's not one size fits all. We really want people to come back to our store and feel they can trust us with our supplement recommendations, not that we're just trying to sell them something.

We have a great, knowledgeable staff, but if you prefer to speak with the owners, Carolyn and Liz are always at the store on Mondays, and Liz is usually there on Tuesdays, and Carolyn generally works on Saturdays as well (we're there other days too, but those are safe days to come in if you're looking for us).

We're so grateful for our customers for continuing to support us as we move into our 29th year!