Brain Function

Multivitamins May Prevent Cognitive Decline

A new study published in the journal, Alzheimer's & Dementia, reported that in a trial of more than 2,200 men and women over 65, that taking a daily multivitamin over three years reduced mental decline by 60% over that period. Multivitamin use was associated with better cognition, improved episodic memory, and better executive function. Interestingly, the benefits were even greater among people with heart disease.

Antioxidants have been shown to help the brain, and many deficiencies in different vitamins have been shown to affect thinking and our mental state.

A multivitamin is no substitute for a healthy diet, but even those of us who go out of our way to eat healthy often aren't having as varied or diet with each of the different micronutrients necessary for ideal health. A multivitamin can help to cover those bases.

For example, it's estimated that over 50%, Americans age 65 and older are not getting the required announce of the various vitamins and minerals needed to maintain proper health, and one of the ways that that can manifest itself is by memory problems and an impact in brain functioning.

We have a great selection of natural multivitamins at Pass Health Foods, many of which have coenzyme B vitamins (also known as active B vitamins, or methylated B vitamins), which we would especially recommend, particularly for maintaining brain health. Not everyone can absorb conventional B vitamins due to a common gene malfunction (the MTHFR gene), and deficiencies in B vitamins, particularly B12, have been linked to increased neurological issues, memory problems, and confusion.

Stop by the store so we can help find the product that's right for you!

Cellular Health: Why It Matters & How to Enhance Cellular Energy

This month I wanted to write about a little known supplement with very impressive benefits called PQQ, which is related to the better known nutrient CoQ10 which is most commonly used for its benefits for heart health and cardiovascular function. 

Both of these nutrients help each of the individual cells in our bodies, specifically the energy producing mitochondria in our cells. Now most people don’t spend very much time thinking about the cells in our body, any more than we do the atoms of the chair we may be sitting in, but the importance of our cells, and especially the mitochondria- known as the powerhouse of the cell- impacts every system in the body, particularly the heart and brain.

CoQ10 is a vitamin-like nutrient that is manufactured in the body, but that production decreases with age and is also decreased by certain medications, statin drugs in particular. CoQ10 helps to give energy to the cells to run properly. Without sufficient CoQ10, our cells can be starved for energy. 

CoQ10 is best known as a heart health supplement, and that’s because our heart cells have the most mitochondria per cell, since our heart requires so much constant energy to do its tireless job of keeping us alive. CoQ10 and mitochondria are important for all cells however, especially for proper functioning of brain cells.

I’ve written so far about CoQ10, which we can think of as food for our mitochondria, which are the powerhouses of the cell. PQQ, which stands for pyrroloquinoline quinine, is another nutrient that’s incredibly important for the health of our cells. Like CoQ10, PQQ helps to support the mitochondria in our cells, but it’s a unique supplement in its ability to help to signal the body to create new mitochondria. PQQ can also help the body to clear out defective mitochondria in our cells- damaged, defective mitochondria must be removed from cells and replaced with properly functioning mitochondria for cells to perform as they should. 

The process of removing damaged and defective mitochondria in our cells is called mitophagy. The proper functioning of this process is important for every organ in our body, but research is showing how crucial it is for brain function, specifically degenerative disorders of the brain like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Let me be clear, PQQ is not a cure for degenerative disorders, but the science is pointing to benefits for those conditions, especially preventatively. Mitochondrial function is crucial for brain health, since the brain uses roughly 20% of the energy our body required each day.

Mitochondrial production is impaired in both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and research has suggested that mitophagy- the process of removing damaged mitochondria from cells- is also not functioning correctly in people suffering from those disorders. Since PQQ can enhance the recycling of defective mitochondria and the creation of new, healthy mitochondria, it may be beneficial for those degenerative disorders, especially preventatively.

Also, research has suggested that in people with macular degeneration may have problems with defective mitochondria in eye cells, which reduce the ability of cells in eyes to work properly. Abnormal mitochondrial function is also frequently found in people with glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.


So to summarize, CoQ10 and PQQ are very important nutrients that are particularly important for heart, brain, and eye health. They help our cells to have enough energy to work properly and help to give organs like our heart, brain, and eyes the energy they need to do their jobs. PQQ is a great addition to CoQ10, because it’s able to recycle and encourage our body to replace damaged and defective the energy producing mitochondria in our cells with new mitochondria. They really work synergistically.

We don’t give much thought to our cellular health, but our organs are made up of those cells, and the health of our cells translates to the health and functioning of our organs, which is what controls the health and proper functioning of our bodies!

We have a great product that contains both CoQ10 and PQQ by Natural Factors. It’s a one a day formula that we’ve put on every-day-sale for 25% off. We definitely recommend it! Stop by and see us at 7228 W. College Drive in Palos Heights.

I know that was a bit dry, so if you’ve read this far, you’ve earned a couple of mitochondria memes:


August is Back to School Month

August means back to school. I always think of September as the back to school month, since that’s what it was when I was little, but now most kids are going back be back in school by the third week of August if not sooner.

Hopefully this will be a more normal school year than last year, but even on the most normal of normal years, there can still be stress and anxiety for many about starting school. Theanine is a great supplement for stress and anxiety and is safe for both kids and adults. It’s an amino acid that’s found in green tea that can help kids to feel more calm and less worried. It can even be used before bed to help with sleep, not that it makes you tired, but it’s effective for sleep since it helps to encourage a calm state of mind. It’s especially helpful for school age children and teens since in addition to enhancing feelings of calm, it also can help with increasing focus (something most of us would benefit from). It’s available in gummies or capsules, and most children start with a 100mg dose, whereas most adults take 400mg.

See this article on our website for more information: Theanine for Reducing Stress and Increasing Focus

Preventing illness is always a concern once school starts again, since with so many kids packed in together, colds and other respiratory viruses are more likely. There are a number of great kid-friendly immune boosters we’d recommend, like our elderberry gummies by Zhou, which also contain a good dose of immune boosting zinc (plus they’re great tasting). A few other immune supplements that we recommend for kids are probiotics and vitamin D- we have both available in good tasting chewable supplements. Probiotics have shown in research to help with preventing respiratory infections in children, resulting in fewer missed school days, and vitamin D is a great all-around immune booster that’s great for everyone.

Here are a few helpful articles from our website with more information:

Preventative Immune Health

Keeping Kids Healthy this Winter

Manuka Honey Throat Lozenges for Cough and Sore Throat

Elderberry: A Potent Antiviral Against Colds and Flu


Finally, a few other supplements that can be helpful for kids are an omega 3 supplement and a multivitamin. Omega 3s are essential fatty acids that are crucial for brain function, and many kids are deficient because they have to be obtained through either diet or supplements, and most kids don’t eat a lot of fish. A great tasting, high potency supplement is Barlean’s Omega Swirl (for both kids or adults). We’ve found that most kid’s omega 3 chewables or gummies have very little actual omega 3 in them, so we recommend Barlean’s Omega Swirl liquid as an easy way to get the recommended amounts in just one teaspoon (it’s not at all oily or fishy, it tastes like lemon cream).

See our article Improving Children’s Concentration at School for more information.

Multivitamins are great for kids or adults that are picky eaters or people without the best diets, since they help to fill in nutrition gaps. A multivitamin is not a substitute for a healthy diet, but it’s a simple way to ensure you or your children are getting the nutrients you need every day for optimal health.


Please stop by the store this month so we can help you to find the supplements that are right for your individual needs.

Natural Ways to Improve Memory

Just about everyone wishes they could enhance their memory and brain functioning, whatever age you are. As we get older, one of the normal parts of aging is age-related cognitive decline. By the age of 45, the majority of people do not have the same mental performance as when they were in their twenties. These little memory “slips” are normal, though they can be annoying and something that we notice and can begin to worry about, particularly for people with family histories of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Keeping the brain sharp through our lives by reading, doing crosswords or puzzles, socializing, and learning new things is always important, though there are also natural supplements that can be of help for maintaining and improving memory and brain functioning.

The first I would always mention are omega 3s, generally found in fish. Omega 3s are known as essential fatty acids, which means that they are absolutely essential to our health. Unlike many nutrients, our bodies cannot make its own omega 3s, so they must be obtained through either diet or supplements. If you are not eating quality, fatty fish multiple times a week, it’s important to get those omega 3s through supplements, since omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for proper brain functioning, as well as cardiovascular health.

For people who are deficient in omega 3s, supplementing with a quality fish oil supplement can make a real difference in our brain health, impacting memory, mood, and more. Keep in mind that not all omega 3 supplements are created equal, however, in both their potency and purity.

Next, is a supplement I’ve always been fond of, but that I’ve seen a lot of great new research on for memory and brain function called phosphatidyl serine, also known as PS. Phosphatidyl serine is a supplement that has been used for memory for many years, though several new studies have just continued to confirm and expand its known benefit for memory and brain function for people of all ages.

Two new studies with adults showing normal age-related mental decline were given 300mg of phosphatidyl serine daily. At the end of both studies, the groups using PS had significant gains in a variety of tests measuring memory and mental functioning. Two of the tests, remembering names an hour after introduction and also for learning and remembering written information, showed a very impressive positive difference when compared with the group of adults who were given a placebo (who didn’t show hardly any improvement).

Interestingly, PS also appears to help with reducing stress and improving mood, especially in regards to mental performance. Another study done was done with young adults and a stressful arithmetic test. After supplementation for a month with phosphatidyl serine, when subjected to a similar test, they reported feeling more clear headed and less stressed when doing taxing mental exercises.

Phosphatidyl serine has also been used on children in a variety of studies, generally focused on children with ADD and ADHD. Several different studies showed significant benefits at a dose of 200mg a day for an improvement of inattention as well as reduced hyperactivity and impulsiveness.

PS is a safe supplement for all ages since it is actually a substance produced in small amounts in our bodies. It works in part by improving communication between the different parts of the brain and between neurotransmitters. Animal studies have found that the amount of phosphatidyl serine naturally produced in the brain decreases as we age, which may be part of the reason that our memory and brain function can begin to deteriorate as we get older.

Supplementing with PS is a simple thing that might really make a big difference in brain health for all ages. I’d say that any amount of PS supplementation daily would be beneficial, though the amounts for in most studies used 200-300mg daily, so for the greatest benefit, that’s what I’d recommend trying. Some studies were only a month long, though the majority were twelve week studies, so if you do decide to try it, try to be patient to give it enough time to see the full results.


New Product: Three Brains by Natural Factors

We have a new line of products by Natural Factors called Three Brains that I wanted to briefly mention in this month’s newsletter. They’re a unique line of products that can help all aspects of brain function that have a unique approach, formulated from research that has discovered an intricate relationship between the brain, the heart, and the digestive tract, which they’ve called the “Three Brains”. This research has confirmed what many natural health practitioners have known for a long time; that our bodies are wonderfully connected and must be treated as a whole for true wellness.

They have a kit, called 3 Brains Total, which includes five different products to help with supporting the complex relationship between our brain, heart, and digestive tract. It’s a great way to ensure you’re getting the things your body really needs, especially during the holidays when we’re often under more stress than usual. The kit contains probiotics for digestive health and balance, fish oil and curcumin for reducing inflammation throughout the body, phosphatidylserine for memory and brain function, and grapeseed extract, a potent antioxidant. One pack gives you the total nutrients needed for one month, so December is a great time to try it since all our Three Brains Products are 25% off this month!

The Three Brains line also has targeted supplements for a variety of brain issues, including specific products for sleep, focus, inflammation, stress, and mood. The entire line is 25% off for December, and while supplies last, with any Three Brains product purchased you will receive a free book- Three Brains: How the Heart, Brain, and Gut Influence Mental Health and Identity by Karen Jensen, MD (a $20 value).


Pycnogenol for Brain Fuction, Asthma, Blood Pressure, & More

There’s a little-known supplement that has been in several scientific journals lately with some impressive results for benefits to memory and brain function. The supplement is an extract of French maritime pine bark, known as Pycnogenol (pronounced pick-nodge-eh- nol). It’s not a new supplement, but recently some remarkable results have been reported that I thought were worth sharing.

In a yearlong study, seventy-seven adults aged 55 to 70 participated, and half the group was given 100 milligrams of Pycnogenol daily. At the end of the study, tests showed a seventy-two percent improvement in decision making in the Pycnogenol group (vs. a five percent decline in the placebo group). The attention span of the group that took Pycnogenol was increased by forty-one percent and memory improved by thirty-seven percent (compared to a ten percent decline in the control group). 

With such impressive results, I’m frankly surprised I haven’t been hearing about French maritime pine bark everywhere, though I haven’t, which is why I wanted to write about it here, particularly since the benefits were achieved by taking only one 100mg pill a day.
Pycnogenol also has a wide variety of other conditions it has been researched for positive results and has been the focus of over seventy different studies over the years. 

Another condition that Pycnogenol has had impressive benefits for is asthma, and was found to help both children and adults without adverse effects. Researchers gave participants 1 milligram of Pycnogenol per pound of body weight and found benefits for improved breathing after only one month. Also, the Pycnogenol group was able to rely on their rescue inhalers far less often.

Pycnogenol has also been shown to aid in lowering blood pressure, helping to normalize blood pressure readings in fifty-eight percent of hypertensive patients. Another study found that participants who took Pycnogenol were able to reduce their blood pressure medications after taking the supplement for 12 weeks.

Other double-blind studies have reported Pycnogenol’s benefit for lowering blood sugar in patients with Type 2 diabetes. After twelve weeks of taking the French maritime pine bark, it was reported that the supplement, “significantly lowered plasma glucose levels” when compared with the placebo. Pycnogenol also improved blood flow and blood vessel health.

Pycnogenol has also been studied with benefits for erectile dysfunction, ADD, deep vein thrombosis, menopause and more. I’m always skeptical whenever I read about so-called “miracle pills”, but Pycnogenol seems pretty close to that in reality. In November our

Pycnogenol by the company Solgar will be on sale for 25% off in November, so it’s a good time to try it!

pycnogenol solgar.jpeg

A New Favorite: Carlson's Omega 3 Olive Oil

We have a new product in stock from Carlson that I really wanted to highlight- it’s a premium olive oil with added omega 3’s called Olive Your Heart. As many of you know, omega 3s are absolutely crucial to our health- it’s not called an “essential fatty acid” for nothing!  

Omega 3s are important for both children and adults for their many benefits for brain function (including concentration and focus, reducing the symptoms of depression), heart and cardiovascular health (by reducing inflammation and lowering cholesterol and blood pressure), arthritis and more. 

Omega 3s cannot be manufactured in the body and must be obtained through diet. If you or your family members are not eating fatty fish or a good amount of flax and chia seeds multiple times a week, a deficiency in omega 3s are extremely likely.

I love this olive oil by Carlson, because it’s an easy way to boost omega 3s in your diet. Even for people who take vegetarian sources like flax or chia I would recommend it since the omega 3s in flax and chia do not contain EPA or DHA, but rather ALA, which the body then converts to the necessary omega 3 forms, EPA and DHA. The trouble with ALA is that not everyone converts it at the same rate, that there’s really no way of knowing how much EPA and DHA you’re getting. This is especially important for brain and eye health, since it’s primarily DHA that gives those benefits. For more information on the differences in various forms of omega 3s, see our article, All About Omegas, here.

When I first heard about this new “fish oil olive oil” by Carlson, I was skeptical, since who wants a fish flavored olive oil, even if you’re a fan of fish?  Well, we tried the Olive Your Heart olive oil and everyone loved it, there was no fishy taste at all. I’m a vegetarian, so I just smelled it, but let me say this- I am extremely sensitive to the smell of fish, and there was no fishy smell at all.

Even though we’re a vegetarian family, I do give omega 3s from fish oil to my second-grade daughter because the research on omega 3 fish oil, particularly DHA for children’s developing brains, is too important and conclusive. When I gave her a bit of Carlson’s Olive Your Heart on her pasta, she thought it was delicious, and didn’t notice any strange smell or taste. Liz, who works at the store, has also been using this omega 3 olive oil with her family (without advertising the fact that it contained fish oil) and they all think it tastes great.

Fish oil supplements can sometimes be a pain to take, so this is a great tasting alternative to omega 3 softgels. Even for people who regularly take omega 3 supplements, it’s a great way to get an extra boost for your health.

Click on any of the above photos to enlarge.

Surprising Benefits of B Vitamins

B Vitamins are well known for their benefits for energy, which is the reason most people take them, but as time goes on, more and more research is appearing about the many varied benefits of B vitamins for a host of different issues.

Different B vitamins have benefits for an assortment of health issues, but in general, B vitamins do work best when taken together, since they’re closely related. I’ll list some of the more surprising benefits of B vitamin research below:

B1 (thiamine) helps to protect the body from nerve damage and can help to prevent neuropathy. High doses of B1 may also work as a natural insect repellent, since it changes the way that you smell to mosquitoes. 

Niacin (vitamin B3) can help with increased repair of DNA, something that is beneficial for neurodegenerative diseases among others. Niacin can also help with lowering cholesterol and low levels have even been linked to erectile dysfunction. 

B6, especially when taken as the form known as P-5-P (the active form of B6) can help with nerve problems like carpal tunnel and sciatica.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is especially common among the elderly, and one of the ways a B12 deficiency can manifest itself in older adults is with confusion, memory loss, and slowed motor skills. Low B12 levels can even cause lower brain volume which has been linked with dementia.

B12 deficiency can cause other brain problems like depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. B12 has also been shown to reduce the risk of fractures among older adults.

I’ve only listed a few of the unique benefits of some of the different B vitamins, but there are many, many more, which makes it smart to supplement with a B complex vitamin to ensure you’re getting the necessary amounts of each.

There are many forms of B vitamins, and while the standard forms commonly found in multivitamins or a regular B complex are good, there are new, coenzymated forms of B complexes, like Jarrow Formula’s B-Right which offer superior absorption. Choosing a coenzymated B complex ensures that you are getting the best form possible of each vitamin.

A regular B complex isn’t bad; it’s just a matter of choosing “good” vs. “best”. 

Jarrow’s B-Right will be on sale at Pass Health Foods for the month of May for 25% off.

Ashwaganda for stress, boosting testosterone, fertility, brain function, and more

Ashwaganda is an amazing herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. It’s recently been gaining attention in the United States as a result of numerous very positive scientific studies. It’s wonderful when herbs that have been used for thousands of years are then confirmed by science!  I’ve been collecting research studies on ashwaganda for some time now, so I’ll briefly post some of the findings below.


Ashwaganda for boosting testosterone and fertility

One study found that ashwaganda root extract increased testosterone and improved sperm counts in a group of men who had fertility problems. The men took ashwaganda supplements for 90 days and the results documented that their testosterone levels rose by seventeen percent and their sperm counts more than doubled.


Ashwaganda for strength and muscle growth

Healthy men who took ashwaganda supplements during a strength and weight training program had significant gains in strength when compared to those taking a placebo. The study gave 300mg of ashwaganda extract to men twice a day for eight weeks. At the end of the eight weeks, the participants who received ashwaganda showed significant increases in muscle mass in the arms and chest. In addition, the ashwaganda group has larger gains in their ability to do bench press and leg extension exercises, with less muscle damage. The men who took ashwaganda also had improved testosterone levels as well as a reduction in body fat.


Ashwaganda and cognitive function

Ashwaganda extract was found to be effective in boosting cognition in people with bipolar disorder. An eight week study gave participants 500mg of ashwaganda extract to participants (or a placebo) in addition to their regular medications. Significant improvements in auditory-verbal working memory, reaction time, and social cognition were seen in the ashwaganda group. Ashwaganda has also been shown to have positive effects on stress and sleep issues.


Ashwaganda and stress

In one study, ashwaganda extract was shown to be able to reduce the physical effects of mental stress. Researchers gave young, healthy men 1,000mg of ashwaganda extract daily. After two weeks, the participants were given tests to measure stress. Blood pressure readings and other measurements of stress-induced compounds were significantly lower in the ashwaganda group compared to the group of men who received the placebo.

Another placebo controlled study on ashwaganda and stress gave participants 300mg of ashwaganda extract twice daily. After two months, the ashwaganda group had significant reductions of stress on a variety of stress assessments. Cortisol levels (a stress hormone) were also greatly reduced.


Ashwaganda for neurodegenerative diseases

Ashwaganda has shown benefit for numerous neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. Ashwaganda has been shown to slow (and may even stop or reverse) atrophy of the nerves and synaptic loss as well as having protective effects against further damage.


Ashwaganda- which type is best?

We recommend Jarrow Formula’s Ashwaganda because it uses a one of a kind extract known as KSM-66. This specialized ashwaganda extract is the highest concentration available and has been shown specifically to be more effective than standard ashwaganda extracts. The strength of the beneficial properties in ashwaganda can vary widely, which why it’s important to choose a branded extract like the one in Jarrow’s formula, so you know you’re taking the most effective product available, as well as one that is backed by scientific research.


Phosphatidyl Serine: An Amazing Supplement for Memory and Brain Function for All Ages

Phosphatidyl Serine (also known as PS) is a fantastic, but little-known nutrient that supports memory and overall brain function.

PS has been extensively tested as a brain nutrient, having been put through numerous double-blind trials and hundreds of other human studies. Under this tough "gold standard" of human medical research, PS has been found to be measurably beneficial and extremely safe to use long term. PS improves key higher mental functions (memory, learning, comprehension, anxiety and coping with stress) and other factors such as mood and behavior that influence productivity and quality of life.

PS Supports Mental Performance and Memory

In clinical trials, using PS as a dietary supplement has improved the quality and enjoyment of life for subjects of all ages. The earlier double blind trials were done with volunteers over the age of 50, but in recent years there have been many research studies with people younger than 50, including college students and children. The findings from the trials were consistent: PS improved a great variety of brain functions in people of all ages, and without side effects.

Several of the trials found that PS slows memory and other cognitive decline in the over 50 population. For middle-aged people (ages 50-65), in the studies PS scored statistically significant benefits for memory, learning, concentration and word recall. People over 65, including some with bad memory problems, experienced measurable improvement in brain energy utilization.

In another of the research studies, doctors studied healthy people whose memory tested abnormally poor for their age. They found that PS was able in some cases to restore up to 12 years worth of memory and other cognitive functions. The researchers concluded PS may have actually "turned back the clock" on brain aging.

Yet another study was done on people with memory problems so severe their productivity was impaired. PS also improved memory in this population. A subgroup that was less severely impaired benefited more from PS.  The earlier an individual can be started on PS, the better their chances for a stabilization or reversal of their memory problems.

Benefits to Mood, Focus, and Stress Management

In addition to its proven benefits for memory, learning, comprehension (as well as other higher-level cognitive functions), PS can benefit mood control and stress management.

In two double-blind trials on people over 60, PS improved measures of mood, including "the winter blues," as well as anxiety, irritability and sociability. Human and animal studies suggest PS is not changing neurotransmitter levels, but instead increases the sensitivity of the receptors in nerve cell membranes.

While most PS research has focused on its use for memory in older persons, there is a growing body of evidence that PS is helpful for people of all ages.  British researchers have published a double-blind trial that demonstrated PS can benefit young, healthy people- University students in their early twenties received PS or a placebo for 10 days and then were made to do challenging arithmetic in their heads without the aid of calculators. The students who had reported a tendency to become anxious reported improved mood and self-confidence from taking PS.

In another study, young, healthy golfers were tested for their driving accuracy after taking PS (or a placebo) for six weeks. Statistical analysis of the 20 drives by each subject determined that their accuracy was improved from taking PS. Many of them reported more calmness while on the course, after six weeks on 200 mg per day of PS.

Studies with PS for Children

In a study with children with attention and behavior problem, each child received PS at 200 or 300 mg per day, depending on body size, for up to four months. Out of the total 31 children who received PS, 28 showed marked improvement. Attention, concentration, learning, and behavior all improved.  Other studies have found that PS can dramatically help children with ADD/ADHD.  We have a chewable PS supplement available at the store from Jarrow that is perfect for children.

PS is a Safe and Effective Brain Tune-up

With an amazing safety record and well-documented brain benefits, taking PS is a valuable option for people worried about declining memory, or simply for those wanting a mental tune-up. For the individual wanting the best results, paying close attention to diet, getting physical exercise, and keeping the brain busy ("use it or lose it")—all are important in order to ensure the most benefit from PS.  For adults it is usually helpful to begin with a dose of 300mg. per day.  After a time, many people find they can reduce their daily dose over time and still retain the benefits from the higher dose.