A new study published in the journal, Alzheimer's & Dementia, reported that in a trial of more than 2,200 men and women over 65, that taking a daily multivitamin over three years reduced mental decline by 60% over that period. Multivitamin use was associated with better cognition, improved episodic memory, and better executive function. Interestingly, the benefits were even greater among people with heart disease.
Antioxidants have been shown to help the brain, and many deficiencies in different vitamins have been shown to affect thinking and our mental state.
A multivitamin is no substitute for a healthy diet, but even those of us who go out of our way to eat healthy often aren't having as varied or diet with each of the different micronutrients necessary for ideal health. A multivitamin can help to cover those bases.
For example, it's estimated that over 50%, Americans age 65 and older are not getting the required announce of the various vitamins and minerals needed to maintain proper health, and one of the ways that that can manifest itself is by memory problems and an impact in brain functioning.
We have a great selection of natural multivitamins at Pass Health Foods, many of which have coenzyme B vitamins (also known as active B vitamins, or methylated B vitamins), which we would especially recommend, particularly for maintaining brain health. Not everyone can absorb conventional B vitamins due to a common gene malfunction (the MTHFR gene), and deficiencies in B vitamins, particularly B12, have been linked to increased neurological issues, memory problems, and confusion.
Stop by the store so we can help find the product that's right for you!
[New Research] Multivitamins Found to Reduce Cognitive Decline + Benefits of a Daily Multivitamin
I recently read about a new study (the article is linked here) that found that using a multivitamin could help slow cognitive decline.
The new research, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed that a daily multivitamin “helps prevent memory loss and slow down cognitive aging,” according to senior researcher Dr. Olivia Okereke.
Taking a multivitamin is certainly not anything new, and we know that daily multivitamin use is a good thing, but I like studies like these because it really shows that how something basic and simple- like taking a multivitamin- can really make a difference in our health.
Unless you're a billionaire with a staff of personal doctors, we're all just doing our best, and hoping we're doing the right things for our bodies. Truly, no matter how good of a diet we have, it's likely that you're having some nutrient gaps. There's a difference between being so deficient in something you get scurvy, like an 18th century sailor, and having less than optimal levels of different nutrients. There are tons of studies about all kinds of different vitamins and minerals showing benefits for this or that. It's just not realistic to take them all separately, so a multivitamin is a great way to sort of cover your bases. Do I think you'll die if you don't take a multivitamin? No, obviously not. Is taking a multivitamin and making sure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs of each of the different vitamins and minerals a good idea? Of course.
Our bodies can keep going even under far less than optimal conditions but giving it the different vitamins and minerals it needs can definitely make a difference. We all want our bodies to last for many, many years. Think of a car that is perfectly maintained, it's going to run for years and years, and people will be surprised at what good condition it's in. Then, think of a car that hasn't been taken care of, it can be much younger than the first car and have a hundred different problems.
Is a multivitamin going to fix everything from poor lifestyle choices or a life of bad eating and bad habits? No, but it's certainly going to be better than not fueling your body with the nutrients it needs.
I think this study about multivitamin use and a reduction in the incidence of dementia kind of proves that point. I feel that it shows how giving your body the vitamins and nutrients it needs, particularly over an extended period, really does make a difference in our health outcomes.
The good thing about a multivitamin is that it has so many different vitamins and minerals in one pill. We have a whole store of supplements that are good, but how many pills can one person really take? Realistically, a good multivitamin is a nice way to check off a lot of boxes.
There are a lot of supplements that can be helpful even when used just for a short time, like supplements for stress or for boosting the immune system. A multivitamin or supplements like omega-3s are meant to be used long-term for the greatest benefit. If you commit to doing that, long-term, as part of your daily regimen, I do think it makes a difference.
When it comes to our health it's not all or nothing, any amount of good can help, and even small changes can make a difference, especially when maintained over a long time. I encourage you to stop by our store so we can help you find the things that are right for you to help you in a journey to better health.
Keep in mind, not all supplements and vitamins are created equal, and natural versus synthetic vitamins honestly do make a difference for absorption. There are also new technologies like liposomal vitamins that are available (that's what I use because it's been shown to have greater absorption for different vitamins). Remember, it doesn't matter what the bottle says on the label, what matters are the actual ingredients and what your body is able to absorb. There are certain forms and types of vitamins that your body is able to use better than others. If you're taking something that your body isn't able to absorb, you're wasting your time.
Stop by the store if you have any questions, we’re at 7228 W. College Drive in Palos Heights.
These are a few of our favorites, but we have a huge selection of multivitamins and other supplements at the store:
The Benefits of a Daily Multivitamin
I wanted to write about multivitamins since I’ve seen a several interesting studies about them lately. I know a lot of people take individual vitamins rather than a multi, but there’s definitely something to be said about making sure you’re getting the recommended amount of all the vitamins and minerals, since realistically, it’s likely that you’re missing something- particularly if you have a special diet like people who are gluten free, dairy free, vegan, or vegetarian, or kids (and adults!) that are picky eaters.
Most research looks at people who take multivitamins long term, rather than just a few weeks.
One study, found in our May issue of Remedies Magazine (which we always have for free at the store) found that taking a multivitamin for 21 days out of the month “virtually eliminated inadequacies of B6, B12, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D”. The researchers wrote, “Adequate intake of micronutrients (vitamins and nutritionally essential minerals) is required for nearly all metabolic, developmental, and growth processes, and for good health across the lifespan.”
Many Americans are deficient in vitamins and minerals needed for daily health. Also, it’s important to note that the study above was talking about vitamin and mineral inadequacies, not severe deficiencies. If you’re severely deficient in a specific vitamin (vitamin D or iron for example, which are determined from blood tests), it’s likely you will need a higher dose that what is typically found in a multivitamin, and in that case we would probably recommend taking that supplement separately to be able to get a adequate dose to help correct a deficiency (please stop by the store for more specific info, since everyone’s nutritional needs are different).
One problem many people have with regard to diet is eating lots of high-calorie foods that are low in nutrients. A"junk food" diet high in fast food, soda, chips, and sweets gives us plenty of calories, but those foods are generally very low in the vitamins and minerals needed for our bodies to function properly. A multivitamin doesn't replace a healthy diet, but it can help to replace the nutrients that may be missing from the foods you eat.
Another recent study on vitamins linked vitamin C and E supplementation to a 38% lower adjusted risk for all cause dementia and a 40% lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The supplement group also had a 23% lower risk of developing cognitive impairment without dementia.
Additionally, daily folic acid supplementation (a B vitamin found in multivitamins) helps to prevent birth defects in women of childbearing age. Almost half of all pregnancies are in women who weren’t specifically trying to get pregnant, so a daily multivitamin helps to check that box, just in case.
Another study I’ve read recently linked multivitamin use to a lower incidence of illness and infection, where the multivitamin users had a lower rate of illness and they missed fewer days of work or school compared to people who didn’t use multivitamins.
Each of the vitamins and minerals found in a multi have specific benefits, especially when taken on a regular basis. It’s not realistic to take each of the vitamins and minerals in a multivitamin separately, so a multi is a good way to go. We have a great selection of high-quality, food-based multivitamins at the store at reasonable prices, so please stop by this month so we can help find the supplement that’s right for you.
Finally, I just wanted to say that not all supplements are created equal, and that many common multivitamins and supplements found at grocery and discount stores are made of synthetic vitamins which are cheaper but not as well absorbed. A multivitamin is not a substitute for a healthy diet, but we’d definitely say it’s a good idea. We are very knowledgeable about supplements and are happy to answer any questions you may have, so please come by the store and see us. Is it the end of the world to not take a multivitamin? No, but we’d say there are definite benefits to taking one!
Pass Health Foods is located at 7228 W. College Drive in Palos Heights and this year we’re celebrating 27 years in business as a small, independent, women owned business!