Sunburn — Our Main Health Blog — Pass Health Foods


A Sunburn Miracle (Literally)

Since we’re in the throes of summer, I wanted to mention a literal miracle for sunburns and skin irritation that we’ve discovered at Pass Health Foods. There must be fairy dust in it, because it’s amazing how well it works. It’s the First Aid Gel by Sovereign Silver, and I’d definitely recommend having a bottle in the house.

I first heard about how well it worked several years ago from Liz (one of the other owners). We’d gone to an event outside in late spring and she hadn’t thought about putting on sunscreen and got an awful sunburn. I saw how red and painful her arms were. She took home a bottle of the First Aid Gel and slathered it on that night. When I saw her the next day it was unbelievable how much better her sunburn looked.

Now, just last month, we were out of town and my daughter got sunburned on parts of her face (she didn’t rub her sunscreen in well enough). We had aloe with us, but it wasn’t helping enough. I stopped to pick up a bottle of First Aid Gel from a local health food store in the area and she said how from the first time putting it on that it felt so much better. She kept putting it on all evening and slept with a thick layer of it on her skin, and by the next morning it was so much better (and she said it felt so much better too).

Obviously, not getting a sunburn in the first place is the best idea, but things happen. I really couldn’t recommend our First Aid Gel by Sovereign Silver enough!

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A "Miracle Cure" for Sunburn

Sunburns as an adult are so terrible since we’re not children, we should know better. Still, it happens. I wanted to share about what I now think of as a “miracle cure” for sunburn- I wanted to write about it last month but there just wasn’t room in last month’s newsletter.

In May, Liz and I from the store went to Revival’s Yoga Fest in Palos Heights (if you’re not familiar with them, they’re an amazing yoga studio in Palos Heights with fabulous people). It was an absolutely gorgeous day. We had a booth there outside to talk to the people there about supplements and whatever else. It wasn’t that hot and since it was still May, and Liz forgot to use any sunscreen- she was just there in the morning until just a bit after noon, so generally you wouldn’t think the sun would be that strong at that time anyway.

Well, when I saw her at work the next day, her arms were as red as a tomato and she was in so much pain (as anyone who has been badly sunburned will attest to). She took some of our Sovereign Silver First Aid Gel (which has had research done on its benefit for healing burns) from the store as well as Alba Botanicals After Sun Gel, a favorite of both of ours that mixes aloe with cooling plant extracts that are soothing and healing to the skin.

She alternated using both the First Aid Gel and the aloe gel several times throughout the day on her arms, which she felt were absolutely radiating heat. By the NEXT DAY she said her sunburn was so much better, and then when I saw her the day after that, her sunburn was completely gone, and even more amazingly, she had no peeling whatsoever from where her skin was damaged.

To be honest with you, if I had not seen what happened with her sunburn with my own eyes, I would not have believed it. It was literally like a miracle, particularly since I saw how red her arms were in the beginning.

So, first I would definitely recommend using sunscreen if you’re going to be outside, obviously. If the worst happens, and you do forget and find yourself sunburned, I would definitely recommend using this combination. I actually just picked up a bottle of the First Aid Gel by Sovereign Silver to have in the house just in case.

Aloe in general is of course wonderful, but the After Sun Gel by Alba is really worth having- I feel like it’s less sticky and gloppy than other aloe gels I’ve used. In addition to the aloe, their After Sun Gel also contains green tea extract which has been shown in studies to help repair sun damaged skin when used topically as well as probiotics, which have been shown in research to help to reduce skin sensitivity and redness from sun damage when used topically.



A Pass Favorite: Aloe Soothing Gel by NOW Foods

We just got in a new after sun aloe gel by NOW Foods that I am in love with. Recommendation the first: don’t get sunburned. If you’re like me, however, and may have waited too long before reapplying your sunscreen when you were at the pool, this stuff is the best. It combines pure aloe gel, which everyone knows is great for sunburns, with a bit of cooling peppermint oil which soothes on contact, along with several healing and skin calming ingredients like cucumber, vitamin E, and B vitamins.

Don’t forget to reapply your sunscreen every two hours (more frequently if you’re in the water). Sunburn prevention is best, but still, I am going to be bringing an extra bottle of this when I go on vacation next month!